Winterfest on the Virginia Creeper Trail

We are planning for our 4th Winterfest on Jan 16, 2010

Each year gets more exciting and entertaining!

2010 Meet the Mushers Dinner Guest Speaker – Bill Borden !

If you would like to be a part of this popular winter event

contact Marcia 276-494-3153

Great photos of the 2009 re-enactment can be found on   click on photos.

Photos by Photographer Brenda Borden


Beginning at 10:00 in Abingdon at the 

 trail head the “serum”  is handed from the steam locomotive  to the first relay musher

musher will relay at Watauga parking lot

that musher will relay at Alvarado Station

that musher will relay at Iron Horse Campground

then all mushers will parade the 2.2 miles to

the park in Damascus. E.T.A. 12:15


11:00 VA Tech Forestry Club begins Alaska Lumberjack


11:15 –  other entertainment.

12:15-12:30 Expected time of arrival of dogsleds

Continued Alaska Lumberjack Competitions until 3:00


Come meet Alaskan sled dogs from the Iditarod and Second Chance League rescue in Alaska.


5:00 QUINCY’S RESTAURANT Laurel Ave 1 block from park –

Meet the Mushers” dinner. Dinner $12.00 plate

Presentation by BILL BORDEN- Iditarod Musher